The Ballad of Rick Perry (The Man From Paint Creek)
This was one of the late leftovers from the nutcracker project, updated a bit for the irresistible jogging coyote story. I don’t remember why I didn’t use it originally. Probably because it’s an awful song. Also, I seem to recall making some efforts toward recording it and having more trouble than usual. For one thing, the tempo is insanely fast, and if you’re going to use a click track, as I figured I needed to do on this one or otherwise it would be impossible to overdub anything, you need to figure out what the tempo is. I don’t have much of a knack for that. This was recorded at 234 BPM (beats per minute). I don’t know whether I did it right. My metronome goes only to 240.
I decided to give the song another shot when Perry started getting all this presidential attention; I figured the song would be obsolete pretty soon, so better to pay tribute to his gubernatorial career now. Also, I’ve been slow at work. I’ll probably get slower after this.