Buck’s Home Page
Posted on Tuesday, June 9th, 2009 by Nutcracker Buck

Home Page Intro: You are reading the home page of Nutcracker Buck, the singing nutcracker doll. Well, a singing nutcracker doll anyway. This is the final week of a proposed one-year project in which Buck sings one original song a week, give or take, and subject to the Nutcracker’s Edict.
This Week’s Entry: To see this week’s entry, click the header at the top of this page.
Other helpful things to know:
- To get back to the main page from any other page in the site, click the header.
- Lyrics to all the songs are in a sidebar on the right of the main page. In the event of any conflict between the words as written and the words as sung, the words as written control. Unless you like the sung ones better. Or you can make up your own.
- All of the prior week’s entries are accessible through the archives, which are found on the right side of the main page.
- The official posting schedule is every Wednesday, but usually they are up on Tuesday afternoon or Tuesday evening.
- There is nothing for sale on here.
- You can subscribe to the site–i.e., be notified of new postings–by clicking the RSS icon below. That’s the orange square one with the swirly white bits. At least I think that’s how it works. I’m not really sure. And even if you do that, I think you have to remember to check your “feeds” link under your favorites tab. I really don’t know. That’s how it works when I do it, and I don’t always remember to check my feeds. I might be doing something wrong. Just check in on Wednesdays is probably the easiest thing to do. Or email me that you want a reminder and I’ll notify you when the new posts are up. But only if you ask me to, because I hate to be a bother.
Deb sent me your “What I Did Instead” and I must relate that I am impressed with your good, good work. As the expression goes, – – – “Don’t Look Back”. A-T
Your page and work is amazing!!!! Big thanks!!!!!!